Friday 27 September 2024

Aura language

For example, when two people are in love and that love is genuine, there will be a wonderful exchange of pink light from one aura to the other. The exchange will be mutually enhancing to both people involved. There will also be a bubbly pink champagne energy around each aura. Something as simple as a warm hug can have a wonderful effect on the aura.

On the other hand, if two people are dating, but there is little love there, the energy will shift. Perhaps the attraction is only physical, or one is jealous or possessive of the other. In these cases, the colors seen can move to a grey or vitiated red or even a dark brown indicating the disharmony, fear, anger, etc. This will have the effect of depleting rather than strengthening the auric exchange.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Full moon 🌕

Glass palace built for his full moon dates... 
From that glass ceiling...! Not only the couple is fond of the moon, The moon is also looking for their love,...
The moon thought that they are getting shy of its brightness, the bright moon disappeared into the black clouds, darkness enveloped the entire place, That lover who came to her love seeing at her admiringly and she is merging with him.! While they were uttering their voices in love, she couldn't bear it, opened the door of her heart and came out from among them! Even he is confused, he hides his face in her saree tassels.
The stars aligned to create their luminous love!  cuddle up together for romantic stargazing on most nights. But, just once a month, the opportunity to moongaze arises for stars can merge with the full moon, who's bigger, brighter, flirtier, naughty with full energy once for about a month. They also engaged at watching the couple like cupid and Psyche. Star's light blending with the Moon's radiance to create a mesmerizing spectacle. 
Hey” This brought her back to him, while she was at staring of watching Moon and Stars collision... being in love was like having butterflies in your heart's more like someone grabbing you from the inside. It's wonderful... The moon is caring of his stars.. The compassion is wonderful.. 
Every month couple on the ground and couple in the sky inspires by both. It is a time of extremes, excitement and fruition, 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Andaala Bomma

నీ కాటుక కనులు
కవ్వింపు కమలాలు

నీ నునులేత అధరాలు
విరబూసిన మందారాలు

నీ సొగసైన ఒంపొయ్యారాలు
కసిగా విసిరే వలపుల బాణాలు

నీ తనువు మీటితే పల్కే
స రి గ మ ప ద ని సల తరంగాలు

నీ పాటకు పల్లవై పలికెన్నేన్నో పదాలు
శృంగార రస గంగలా పొంగే ప్రవాహాలు

 నీ అంద చందాలను వర్ణించడంలో 
నన్ను నేను మర్చిపోయేటి ఈ జన్మ చాలు

ఎందుకీ అక్కర్లేని ఏడేడు జన్మల బంధాలు ..!

Tuesday 6 August 2024

love and sense organs

Love is just as complex as emotions.
The hypothalamus is one of the brain regions often considered the main control centre of love. It gathers the various stimuli felt by the body (those smells, touches, sounds) and creates the body's physical response to the emotions associated with those stimuli.

Our sense organs plays a vital role in human relationships. There is much relation between love, emotions and sense organs. 

👀.   We choose to pursue relationships with those who are attractive to us... Looks really matters.. Attractiveness is subjective. 

👂. The human voice can bring picture of the person.Men with husky voices are the most sexy,  while women are most attractive. 

👃..Everyone knows that to find true love, you have to be yourself. But you should also smell like yourself😉. If you like someone's smell,  you are physiologically compatible with them.

 👅... Not only to taste... The communication helps to be connected. Positive words, concern towords you brings close.

🥲... It communicates the emotions of two people. We can allow only few persons into our Aura limits.

Monday 8 April 2024

Swati Mutthina Male Haniye .....

'You are strong' is her usual morning word on rounds with patients who are close to death. In the morning, if the patients in the 'last days' camp express the pain, agony, and immeasurable sorrow they experienced during the night, her words as a counselor are wrong... 'You can bear this. You are strong'...

While watching the movie 'Swati Mutthina Male Haniye' there is a story if you look at the meaning and a story if you look at the implication - because of the genius of the director.

Who is saying 'You are strong' to whom?

The counselor who works in the care center says to herself daily that 'You are strong'.

for what

Her marriage was close to death.

At the care center there are those who are really close to death. But there is a dead husband at home. He was nothing to her. She won't let him do anything. He has a relationship with someone else. Technically staying at home. He uses a condom to keep his distance from her while being nice and polite and where closeness is created by uninhibited muscle friction.

There will be a scene - the way she looks at the condom packet when he puts it on the bed.

If the marriage dies, the partners die to each other - this is where the director makes a great statement - the woman finally finds love even in a man who is fighting death. Will have to find. Need to find out.

He knows he will die - but he falls in love. 'How beautiful your saree is. Can you touch and see'.. It's a small word. He who crawls towards the window every day, looks towards the door and crawls when she comes. A small gesture.
Reports and tests tell when a person will die. But if you can recognize when the relationship in marriage is dead, the husband and wife will know immediately. If not recognized then the period of recognition will come. She is a doctor, a counsellor... she who gives courage to those who are dying... she does not counsel a husband of a cause who is a wife of a cause who is merely a woman. Not given. 'You can survive as a husband' does not remind us of what it means to be a husband.

Only the patient dies in the care center. But if the relationship dies at home, the wife, husband, (if any) children all die... mentally. By the time the movie starts, her life is so routine that she pours dosas and sprinkles flowers on the porch. Atleast no thought to make another tiffin.

 Who killed her to be like this... who brought her close to death? In how many homes are women close to death? Looking up and smiling... Walking around in good clothes in wedding ceremonies.

The most difficult scene in 'Swati Mutthina Male Haniye' is when the heroine's mother (her primary teacher in the story) comes to see her daughter. Seeing her daughter and son-in-law living as if they were dead in the same house, she politely goes back in two days. Here too, the director's trick is that she does not ask anything from her daughter or son-in-law as to what she will have to hear. Is it necessary at this age? Who is responsible for whose death?

'Swati Mutthina Male Haniye' is supposed to be a love story that takes place in a nursing home for terminally ill patients.

Time for each other, love for each other, interest in each other, responsibility for each other, the necessary competence to be with each other... Those without these, those who have lost the sense of life... Spouses... After feeling sorry for someone dying... This movie is about feeling sorry for knowing that you are gone.

There are many similar stories in 'Beyond Coffee' and 'Metro Stories'. We do not have it. Taken in Kannada. That's the difference.

Thursday 8 February 2024

Night endears you

Night endears it indulges you. There is love in day time also, can discuss lovable moments in day time also. But Nights indulge you, excavates you....Your inner thoughts, deep inhibitions, fantasies in you which you also don't know. Dark in the night haskies your tone... The body want pamperings,. With that shivering lips 👄, you can reveal you who's with in you.

At nights we are more relational, reflective, needy and conversational.  The most intimate conversations takes place as the moon🌙 provokes you to intimacy. 

The Dark reminds you to search for a companion to share intimacy and intimate conversations.At night time we are our most sexual, and that is why a majority of the flirting happens at night especially over the phone.

 Be the last person for that day as you have intimate conversations and say a sweet goodnight; it will bring you two closer.

The one who is special in your life is the one you are giving your night time to.

At night time we are most conversational, and that is why pillow talks happen at night,  Many hold their phones at night looking for someone to chat with and finding their Dearones. 

Wednesday 31 January 2024

why you came into my life.. . why went away🥲🥲

I can't tell it's good if you didn't come into my life.... But it's good if you didn't go.....
You leave me with just your memories..... 

It's raining so hard.... Looks like it's gonna rain all night..... And this is the time I'd love to be holding you tight. But I guess I'll have to accept the fact that you are not here .... I wish tonight would hurry up and end, my dear...

In the beginning everything feels so alive and exciting. But Time makes it predictable. It's as he's replaced me with someone else.

I've lost those parts of who I am or who I could be.... And... I'm scared I won't ever get them back.. 

He everytime caress me with my sleep also like.... Let the breeze touch u today with more spl and whisper in ur ear sounding my good night wishes to u and rest all ur stress and take u to ur dream land and arise u in the morning with same breeze with fresh air kissing all ur neck waking u with hope and love which make all ur whole day with much liveness. He usually tells me....My  lady... I can feel your tiredness... Such a lovely loveliness.. 

Tuesday 19 December 2023

good rain knows the best time to fall

Holy crap, yes.

I love to just be laying in my bed listening to the rain. It’s calming…... especially when it rains really hard.

Listening to rain drops tap your window pane...

We all are from nature. Water is a very soothing element from nature. You just touch the water and see. It relaxes our mind like anything. That's why beaches, ponds, rivers, streams, waterfalls, de-stress our mind and body.

Even rain also knows the best time to fall for us. When it is raining, sometimes we may not feel happy because somewhere in that rain somebody is troubling.

I feel that the best thing about rain is the sound. For me, it’s better than any form of music.

Just imagine yourself lying in a bed with a blanket covering half of your body. The windows are open, and all you can hear is that peaceful sound of rain. Wow!!

For me, rain is the romance between the clouds and the ground. And, if there is random lightning too, it makes it even more beautiful.

Even though you're getting wet, you'll try to protect your loved one with all your might.

It's called Selfless love♡

Saturday 21 October 2023

Love Rain

You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shelter when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that's why I'm scared when you say you love me.

There are a lot of similarities between rain and love

Both of them make our mood romantic.
They always make us happy.
We feel amazing when the rain fell on our body and the same thing happened when we are with our loved ones.
Both give me inspiration to do something great.
Both of them calm us even when you are too much angry.
Both of them make me realise that I'm missing her so much but she's not far away from me.
Rain always facilitates the growth of greenery and make the environment beautiful whereas love makes our lives beautiful.
I love you both the beautiful rain and my gorgeous love.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

The Bridges of Madison County

Famous tearful love story! A complex symphony of love. The whole world watched this story of an illicit love in awe. After the end of the movie, the audience could not relax. They walked out of the theater in silence.

The film has been nominated for an Oscar award. The way a four-day romance between a man and a woman blossoms into a life-long love and affects some lives leaves the audience breathless. 'The Bridges of Madison County' is a real-life love story that rained hundreds of crores of rupees. A love affair in America!
The story takes place in 1965. Her name is Francesca Johnson. Her husband is a soldier in World War II. They have two kids.
One day the husband and children go to another state in America after four days of work. The real story starts there. A young and enthusiastic photographer for the world famous nature magazine 'National Geography' comes along. His assignment was to photograph the historic Madison County Bridge.
He comes to the area where the bridge is located in Iowa in America, but he is unable to know exactly where it is. He sees a woman drying clothes in front of the house. He asks if you can tell me where the bridge is. He will come and get into his jeep as if he is nearby and will show the way.
He takes many pictures of Bridge and her in the golden sun of the evening. He returns and drops her near home. He says thanks. She calls to come inside the house for a cup of tea. He forgives with a smile. He notices that there is no one else in the house. She says that her husband and children have gone to another place and will not return for four or five days. She asks if I can have "a little brandy" in the black tea made for him. A delusion like dumbness translates into words. The air groans with the weight of passion.
An emotion brings strangers closer. An unprecedented romantic experience smells like crushed flowers...smiles. The twinkle in her eyes, the light on his chest lovingly caressed. So four days... four is four days! Gone are the days when the lamp of love and divine experience was lit. He has gone.

She waits. All that remains are the anticipation... the anticipation... the memories. They are back. Madhuryam, who has left, leaves her with sleepless nights. There is a big story behind this story becoming a movie.

A true love story written as a novel by author Robert James Whaler. It was he who named 'The Bridges of Madison County'. In 1992, the novel sold lakhs of copies. Those who read it went crazy. Director Steven Spielberg wanted to make a movie of this best seller. His own production company Amstin Entertainment bought the rights of this novel for 25 thousand dollars.
Spielberg did not like the screenplay written first by Okayana and then by someone else. The third is Kathleen Kennedy. Spielberg liked Kennedy's portrayal of this love story as 'her'. The hero was originally thought to be Clint Eastwood. By then, Spielberg's 'Schindler's List' post-production work was underway. When finished, he wanted to take 'The Bridges of Madison County'.

Who is the heroine?

Could not decide. Before Isabella Rosallini thought it would be good. The names of five other heroines were also discussed. Clint Eastwood insisted that Meryl Streep should be the heroine, even if Spielberg didn't like it. Finally, Eastwood got the direction. He planned the shooting of the movie carefully.

The shooting should be completed in 52 days. Due to a lot of precautions and good planning, the construction was completed in 42 days. On November 1, 1994, the shooting was completed and post-production started. Filming took place in Madison County, Iowa. "Or should we just fu- on the LINOLEUM one last time?" says the heroine jokingly. Because of that word, the censors said 'only for adults'. Director East Wood convinced the authorities that this is a love story that everyone should watch except for that one dialogue. The movie broke records when it was released in 1995. East Wood was nominated as the best director and Meryl Streep was nominated for an Oscar as the best actress.

The real life story behind the love story:

Francesca Johnson's boyfriend is a famous photographer named Robert Kinkaid. After four years of intense love, he left and never came back. Some years ago, Francesca's husband, Richard, died. Let's wait for Robert to come back. Three years later I heard the news that Robert Kin Caid had died. A few years later she also died.

Her two grown children came to sell the estate in Iowa after their mother's death. Son Michael and daughter Carolyn Johnson were shocked to learn that their mother wanted her ashes not to be buried next to her husband, but to be scattered over a Madison County bridge. They saw photos, letters and a key hidden by the mother in the iron box.
When the lock is removed, a small box contains National Geographic magazines, a magazine with photos of the Madison County Bridge, old cameras, and some mementos. There is a photo of Kin Kaid somewhere in the National Geographic magazine. Around his neck is the chain of Christ's cross worn by their mom. The film starts with a flash back of both of them reading mother's notebook. "Ours was true love. A love that lit up both of our lives and remained a great experience," Francesca wrote. She wrote about love in detail, hoping that her children would forgive her last wish to scatter the ashes on the bridge. Earlier, Kin Kaid's ashes were also scattered on that bridge. The children were moved after reading the mother's love story. Her last wish was fulfilled.

The story behind the story: A phone call to author Robert James Whaler. Francesca's children Michael Johnson and his younger sister Carolina spoke. Want to talk to the author personally. Come to Iowa on the plane and talk to James Whaler. He asked, 'Since you are a good writer, will you write my mother's love story?'
The whole story is told very carefully and honestly. The author was moved by the way the mother was asked to write a short novel respecting her and her deep love even though it was an illicit love.

From budding love near a bridge with a roof like a train box in Madison County, about a magical love experience that ended in four days, dates, diaries, and magazines hidden as a mark... It's a strange feeling for James Whaler. He wrote a beautiful love story as a short novel. It will be printed in a few weeks...and the writer went to Seattle to see if he could find more interesting information.

After talking to a few people, they finally found out where Robert Kinkaid was. The photographer and the writer became friends in a bar where they sang songs. A few days later Kin Kaid details his love affair with Francesca. He said that she was a great person and that love gave him a new life. Around his neck is the crucifixion chain that Francesca gave him. The 70-year-old man became a poet while talking about her - says the writer.

A few days after that Kin Ked
A few days later Kin Kaid died of illness. The novel 'Bridges of Madison County' sold 1 million copies and shook America. Later the movie of the same name created a sensation.

Some lives are just that or some true loves are just a momentary, divine experience... tears that always call us... mirages...


Great Indian filmmaker Aparna Sen made a good movie 'Paroma' in 1985 with almost a similar story. Rakhi is the heroine. A 40-year-old woman with a husband and children fell in love with a photographer and it was a consequence. A must watch movie. Aparna Sen pours poetry on screen. While watching '36 Chowrangi Lane'! -

Tuesday 31 January 2023


It's my greatest previlage to share some moments of a noble personality, a torch bearer of humanity, A wandering monk, A reformer of Hinduism.... He is none other the great Swami Vivekananda.

Birth and early life

Born in the Datta family of Calcutta, the youthful Vivekananda embraced the agnostic phi- losophies of the Western mind along with the worship of science.

Spiritual crisis

At the same time, vehement in his desire to know the truth about God, he questioned the people of holy reputation, asking them if they had ever seen God.

Meeting Great Guru Rama Krishna Paramahamsa

He found such a person in Sri Ramakrishna, who became his master, allayed his doubts, gave him Gods vision, and transformed him into a sage and a prophet with the authority to teach. Vivekananda's inspiring personality was well-known both in India and in America during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century.

Wandering Monk

With considerable distress, sudden death of his father and Sri Rama Krishna Paramahamsa embarked on a long journey to explore and discover India. Wherever he went magnetic personality created a great impression.

The first visit to the west

The unknown monk of India suddenly leapt into fame at the Parliament of Religions held in Chicago in 1893, at which he represented Hinduism. His vast knowledge of Eastern and Western culture as well as his deep spiritual insight, brilliant conversation, broad human sympathy and colorful personality made an irresistible appeal to many Americans who came in contact with him. People who saw or heard Vivekananda even once still cherish his memory after a lapse of more than a half century,

His strength and beauty, the grace and dignity of his bearing, the dark light of his eyes, his imposing appearance, and from the moment he began to speak, the splendid music of his rich deep voice enthralled the vast audience.... The thought of this warrior prophet of India left a deep mark upon the United States. America, thus, had the blessing of directly hearing a person of the stature of Buddha, radiating purity, compassion and love.

At that time Americans were looking for a philosophy that could harmonize science with humanism and mystical experience, and Vivekananda's words gave them hope for the fulfillment of their spiritual aspirations. The message was powerful not because of its dialectical superiority or philosophical subtlety, but because of the personality of Vivekananda.

He derived his ideas from the unfailing source of wisdom and often presented them in the soul stirring language of poetry.

His final words at the Chicago Parliament of Religions were, 'upon the banner of every religion will soon be written in spite of resistance:

1. Help and not fight.

2. Assimilation and not Destruction.

3. Harmony and Peace and not Dissension.


Further, he organised the Rama Krishna onder of monks, which in the most outstanding religious organization of modern India Le RK math and mission on 1 May 1897. In 1898, he established Belur Math. It is devoted to the propagation of Hindi spiritual citure not only his mother land, but also other parts of the world. He once spoke him self as condensed India.

Teaching and philosophy in East and West

In America, his mission was the interpretation of India's spiritual culture, especially in its
Vedantic setting. He also tried to enrich the religious consciousness of the Americans through rational and humanistic teachings the Vedanta philosophy. In America, he became India's spiritual ambassador and pleaded cloquently for better understanding between India and the New World in order to create a healthy synthesis of East and West, of religion and science.

His mission was both national and international. A lover of mankind, he strove to promote peace and human brotherhood on the spiritual foundation of the Vedantic Oneness of existence. A mystic of the highest order, Vivekananda had a direct and intuitive experience of reality. He derived his ideas from that unfailing source of wisdom and often presented them in the soul stirring language of poetry.

The natural tendency of Vivekanandas mind was to soar above the world and forget itself in contemplation of the absolute. But another part of his personality responds alike to the sight of human suffering in East and West, It might appear that his mind seldom found a point of rest in it oscillation between contemplation of God and service to man. Be that as it may, he chose, in obedience to a higher call, service to man as his mission on earth; and this choice has endeared him to people in the West, Americans in particular.

The message of Vivekananda was the message of Vedanta, a spiritual teaching that again and again saved India during the periods of decline and crisis. The keynote of this message is "Truth is one: Sages call it by various names".

Its four cardinal points are:

1. Non-duality of the Godhead.

2. Divinity of the soul.

3. Oneness of existence.

4. Harmony of religions

Last breath

Swami Vivekananda breathed his last on 4th July 1902 due to deteriorated of his health at Belur math leaving behind an immortal legacy not just in the heart of contemporaries, but for all generations to come.

He left for posterity his four classics... Jnana, Bhakti, karma, Raja Yogas, which are outstanding treaties of Hindu philosophy.

Thursday 29 September 2022

Nature supports Love

Nature tells us many things. We want to be keen to observe that and hear that.

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect.

If your desire is strong with in your soul, nature forces the aim to come to you.

 Love is an elemental force of nature,  like gravity or electromagnetism. The power that drives the stars, the same force that compels the human heart.

Love makes many things happen. The electro magnetism between the Auras who is going to fall in love do that. Unexpected meets, eye to eye contact happens because of the active Auros. The nature acts like that by observing the waves of Auras of the particular people. For instance unexpected meets happens when nature supports your attraction of love.

Nature will reveal your love when you couldn't confess your feelings.Love should be seen not as a feeling but as an enacted emotion. love is to feel and act lovingly deep in the heart. Love has many ways of touching your emotions, taking control of you and even in thought. Love can make you change.

Same as Nature has emotions and feelings with you, valued your emotions and will get you connected where your emotional level is matched.

Wednesday 21 September 2022

How Heart is so annoying

How this Heart is so annoying so lazy so creative.

It throws our beside person and it invites the person who's so far. It waits for who can't come.

It plays with us even it's in you.

It likes who don't like us much. It doesn't like who likes us much. May be it knows the rhythm of sensitivity.

It feels great for our victory, it feels jealous for others victories. 

One of the things that makes us fall in love with people is realising they can do something we can't. We get attracted to people who seem capable, who are productive, who are creative, etc.

But our Heart hides all these feelings and likes them fall for you.... So egoistic Heart.
It's so lazy to reveal it's feelings.

It is so attracted by looks at first and force us to move forword and embraces us by taking back step after reading others Heart.

It tries to impress much at first and later when it feels less accompany or less admiration from the otherside, it will force you to take a back step.

And more over it will never allow your body to get what it want until it is satisfied.

Expecting more admiration towords it(Heart) is the most annoying thing of the Heart. It seeks other Heart'admiration more than your admiration.

It always wants pleasing words about it, praising about its kindness, etc from the hearted person.

Even in romance 💒, the woman's heart seeks her desire want to express from the male partner. What a variations and feelings in our palm sized beating muscle ❤️. 

It forces us to ask the partner, Do you love me and in the small time of getting answer it thinks will they break me by leaving  you. 

It forces you to leave the person who hurts you. After some time span it asks you to mingle with him. It gives value who admires it even in the past.

It asks you to enjoy life and immediately says no to short hook-ups.

It confuses, it annoys, it indulges,
 it adopts, ......🤷🤷

Monday 5 September 2022

Radhe Radhe


Radha👧🏻, 🧒🏻Krishna are in young age. 
A sage headed to Krishna's palace🛕to meet him to work up on some issues. 

But, at entrance he was stopped⛔ by Radha, as she wished to take Krishna out to hangout.

The sage turned furious😡 and he gave her a curse that 'You will be split up with your most loved one for more than 100 years🗓️'. 

Evidently, she left Vrindavan. Headed to some other place, and started working at an palace for an little princess as Maid.  

Days happen, seasons passed, years are also done. 

When Radha got ill😰, a desire sprouted🌱 in her heart that, She just wanted to meet👫🏻 Krishna one last time. 
She head back to Krishna's place🛕.  

Radha reached there, and met Krishna. They left out to riverside🌊.  

After reaching there, they both had some conversations, few time later ' Krishna asked Radha that she want him to do anything?' 

Radha with utmost voice pleased him 'can You play the flute? For me once.'😢

Krishna beamed😀at her for her wish. 

In that breezy evening🌄 at river banks as fluently water flowing🌊, birds chirping🐥, leaves 🍃dancing🍂, behind the ☁️clouds☁️ stars⭐🌟 illuminating✨. 
He started to play his flute🎼 with jaunty😊, as he was in endmost happiness😃. 

As he started, the complete nature were acting to slowdown and turning to mumchance🤫. 
Just to enjoy☺️🙂 the play of Krishna's flute. 

Few minutes later,  
Radha who leaned🙇🏻‍♀️at Krishna's knee was slowing dropping to his lap. 

Krishna continuing his play.🎼 

As moments passed⏱️, Radha lingered🧖🏻‍♀️ at his lap. 

Krishna is still playing.🎼
Even nature is still in 🥰dire to listen his play. 

In the end, Krishna himself doesn't😞 know that, when Radha left her soul into him. 

Everything went silent.😒
Krishna who went in forlorn.😖
Gave salvation✋🏼to her.

He with broken-hearted💔just broke his flute and decided not to play it again.😔

The last👥meet of RadhaKrishna.

Radhe radhe.......

Sunday 28 August 2022

The Dark knows more secrets 😍

Every creature wants a companionship in the dark more than in the day, that's why The dark knows more secrets than the dawn.

Dark also loves to watch couples because of the boring night creatures sounds. The Dark wants and pleases the moarns apart from the Dark silence.

The Dark wants happy screams of that night continue upto sunrise.

Couples also enjoy dark or dim light more than sunlight.

 In a dim light, details become more vague. Flaws can be easily ignored, and virtues imagined. Not only does this perhaps help to see the partner as a bit more splendid than you might in a bright light, but more importantly it helps make you a bit less self conscious about your own flaws.

Second, a dim light suggests privacy, suggests that nobody is watching, suggests that the world is just you and your partner alone. Perhaps an artifact of a distant time when humans always lived in groups, and might want to wait until the others were asleep, or to enjoy each other before the others awoke.

Third, and this one is the most scientific of all, there is an interesting physiological effect. In dim light, the pupils dilate, which is to say the black dot in the center of your eye becomes very large, so as to capture more of the available light. In bright light, this dot contracts. Well, as it turns out, in unchanging moderate light conditions, people who are very interested in what they are looking at will also have enlarged dots, while people who are not will have relatively small ones. Part of our very complex innate system which allows us to read each other’s faces or moods includes this observation, so you subconsciously register the large dot as interest. People who are interested in you are interesting To you.

Fourth, and least important, we’ve been socialized to see dim light as a signal that romance is intended. A self fulfilling prophecy, if you will.

I think only the third really qualifies as scientific, but really all are psychological.

Aura language

For example, when two people are in love and that love is genuine, there will be a wonderful exchange of pink light from one aur...