Wednesday 21 September 2022

How Heart is so annoying

How this Heart is so annoying so lazy so creative.

It throws our beside person and it invites the person who's so far. It waits for who can't come.

It plays with us even it's in you.

It likes who don't like us much. It doesn't like who likes us much. May be it knows the rhythm of sensitivity.

It feels great for our victory, it feels jealous for others victories. 

One of the things that makes us fall in love with people is realising they can do something we can't. We get attracted to people who seem capable, who are productive, who are creative, etc.

But our Heart hides all these feelings and likes them fall for you.... So egoistic Heart.
It's so lazy to reveal it's feelings.

It is so attracted by looks at first and force us to move forword and embraces us by taking back step after reading others Heart.

It tries to impress much at first and later when it feels less accompany or less admiration from the otherside, it will force you to take a back step.

And more over it will never allow your body to get what it want until it is satisfied.

Expecting more admiration towords it(Heart) is the most annoying thing of the Heart. It seeks other Heart'admiration more than your admiration.

It always wants pleasing words about it, praising about its kindness, etc from the hearted person.

Even in romance 💒, the woman's heart seeks her desire want to express from the male partner. What a variations and feelings in our palm sized beating muscle ❤️. 

It forces us to ask the partner, Do you love me and in the small time of getting answer it thinks will they break me by leaving  you. 

It forces you to leave the person who hurts you. After some time span it asks you to mingle with him. It gives value who admires it even in the past.

It asks you to enjoy life and immediately says no to short hook-ups.

It confuses, it annoys, it indulges,
 it adopts, ......🤷🤷


Anonymous said...

Amazingly said.Great writings..kudos to all your Intense and expressive

Anonymous said...

Nicely said

Aura language

For example, when two people are in love and that love is genuine, there will be a wonderful exchange of pink light from one aur...