Monday 26 November 2018

House wife

Homemakers formerly known as Housewives are often not given the appreciation and credit they rightly deserve.

Homemakers face much trouble when they faced the question what are you? Bundles of work choke her and wrap up her heavily, but she can't tell that as her career very sadly.

Generally if we miss someone, it's a great personal loss, but being House wife is loosing herself greatly.

Some of the gents take her as their granted and taking advantages.

She gets up with a great pressure of house hold works like cooking, washing, cleaning, etc, which seems very simple for others.

The hardest job in the world is being a mom. And if it were salaried position, it's be one of the best-paid. She give up a lucrative career to look after the family.

Housewives deserve a substantial salary by taking into account all the cooking, cleaning, nursing and child care, house wives deserve much salary than a professional.

Wednesday 21 November 2018


Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Don't know much about the super well play pride of our nation cricket.... But when I am discussing with my son Himmi about cricket I wondered about the relation between emotional connect and the way of the play of the players. Sometimes it can change the play.

Really it's very challenging to be friendly with teenage kids, but it's more enjoyable and can go to that age while interacting with them.

He even told about his experience of observing players body language can predict what the player tries to do next . He watches all formats of cricket and listens to the commentary well which made him understand alot about the game and thinking process of the players at the same time their emotional level.

He is able to know their thinking process because he play games which involves a lot of mind game.
We can be able to spot the difference between the natural game of the player to the player in pressure. There is much difference in their body language at the pressure game. If the players taking any decisions half-Heartedly, they will be under tremendous amount of pressure in which they may be performing low then their original standards.

I see everything any situation in an emotional level. My posts are full of emotions only. Even to buy a cooker also I make a bonding with it, and I love not the cooker thing and I love the cooker buying situation. But my son appeals the same formulae in his gaming also. Proud of new generation, they can connect technology with emotion.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Long Distance Relationships

Long Distance Relationships are not easy to carryon long time. Many misunderstandings carry on in Long Distance relationships. Whether it's time differences, conflict Work Schedules or just different energy levels at differnt times during the day, We find a great distance, a great disconnect and a great interference in the way we communicate eachother.

Communication in Relationships is alreay hard enough and long distance relationships add a whole new level of complexity.

Distance means so little when someone means somuch.
    Distance never kills a Relation.
    Closeness never builds a Relation.
The Caring of one's feelings builds faith and maintains Relation.

But somehow Distance has this ability to break bonds, to break trust, push us away from eachother not just physically, but emotionally.

If the Relationship matters the distance doesn't.
Don't let being far from someone make you push them furtherway.

We make sure share the little moments of joy which brighten up with that other person.

Make allotted and prioritize time for eachother.

It's difficult to just reach eachother spontaneously, But it's importent that it's become apart of our priority.

Build your own personal life and remember it's ok for the other person to build theirs.

Invest in yourself and allow the other person to grow and evolve in their own way.

Talk through the struggles and hard feelings.

Texting is a brilliant way to miscommunicate how you feel and misinterpret what other people mean.
don't text through the rough conversations, make sure you talk through them.

Long Distance Relationships are hard but they can also be incredible.

When We learn to respect, trust and love someone from a distance, We'll be absolutely unstoppable when you're together. 

Sunday 18 November 2018


Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Dance is an art of time and space.

In general, Humans ability to identify with other human bodies is very strong. Usually the dancer exhibits feelings and We in turn experience those feelings. The choreographer who creates dance interprets feelings for us, in that way , we understand these feelings with greater insight.

Dance also explores states of mind. .....Feelings such as pleasure and pain..........However , states of mind such as attitudes and tendencies that engender feelings, endure for longer period of time.

Dancing is a form of expression which can be considered a universal language

People come together through dance. It provides entertainment for people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.
They enjoy time spent together in a positive, upbeat environment. They are energized and inspired by other dancers in their midst.
The more adventurous dancers may try to emulate the moves of others, which provides another sense of entertainment and draws people together.
Strangers have the potential to become friends, while families and friends bond more closely because of the positive experiences they've shared on the dancefloor.
Dancing helps bodies and minds relax as the music and surroundings take people away from their anxiety and frustration for a while.
Mentally, they unwind and have fun, sharing a laugh or two. As their minds relax, their bodies follow. Their muscles loosen up and tension and stress melt away.
Dancing is a great form of aerobic exercise since it works many muscles in the body. Muscles become stretched, conditioned, and toned while the heart rate increases, pumping blood at a faster rate.
Dance compliments people with different tastes, emotions, needs, and backgrounds because there is so much variety. As a result, dancing has not only become a universal artform, but a universal language.

Dancing Captivates People Everywhere!

What are the benefits of dancing? Is it an act you participate in just to pass the time during the weekend or, possibly, a weeknight? Do you dance so you can feel beautiful and graceful for a change, or does it hold something of more value for you?

What is so important about the act of dancing? Of course, it's an entertaining exercise, but why is it so captivating? Why do you crave "the dance?"

Why do you dance when the music gets into your soul? Why does dancing sometimes make you laugh out loud or lean in close to your dance partner?

Furthermore, what is so special about dancing with someone you love, or even dancing with a stranger? Why does your baby experience much delight when you sway around the room to the music? Why do you get excited and dance for joy?
Dancing: An energizing, captivating experience. We live it! We feel it! We breathe it! We love it! But why?

What Purpose Does Dancing Serve?

Dancing provides many great benefits and, while it's not possible to list them all, some of the greater benefits are listed below:
  1. Dancing allows one to express oneself.
  2. A sense of unity is found within the dance.
  3. Dancing provides physical/mental refreshment and relaxation.
  4. Laughter and fun — dancing can provide a lot of entertainment.
  5. Dancing is a form of exercise.
  6. Dancers find inspiration and motivation as they become lost in the dance.
  7. Dancing allows professional dancers to form affiliations.

Of course, sometimes people just want to get the party started. They want to loosen up and go with the sound of the music. They could be clapping while dancing or snapping their fingers. It doesn't matter! Their only purpose is to be one with the music.

Dancing is to express oneself.... Dance conveys a message.

Dancing allows people to express how they feel at a given moment.

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