Sunday 24 February 2019


I heard many about the mentors and inspiration of the great people.

But inspiration is very great thing which can come even learn from our very juniors.

I wondered of my maid's sinciarity towords her work, wondered towords the female fruit seller's smile and adopting the hard situation even be lost her hubby all of the sudden. I learnt to be self tasked and risk carried from them.

I wondered of my neighbour's straight forwordness in the arrogent way because she is too honest.

I wondered of the sensitiveness of one of my friends even his decisions are very strong outside.

Our surroundings and situations are inspired more than some great people's speeches and books.

We can learn more in a single situation then with hundred books. Life is a big book ever after.

Thursday 21 February 2019


Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Woman, what a sounding aa, 
Woman are one of the most beautiful creations of God, which can't understand by Man.
I know Woman are beautiful by alive their origins and their culture to be NATURAL, SINCERE, AUTHENTIC.

what's natural...when we question
 this to our Heart only...we can answer that naturally....

adjusting with the husband who is Ten to Fifteen years elder than that girl?
adjusting with the life when the husband is expired?
adjusting with the guy (i mean hubby)whose wave lenghts can't match?

The culture and tradition of India is considered as old and great all over the world. But women, here in India are not happy as in other countries. 

women, who are thinking that i'm happy is also not really happy . Their happiness is due to Husband's well career or family's richness when compared to other families. They are not happy from the soul.

women, ask your self, Am I Happy? i want the ansewer from your Soul, at least from your Heart?

Don't answer me that i'm very Happy because my Hubby has no Bad habbits.

Apart from Sex discrimination, illiteracy, female infanticide, dowry system..........................................................I found the main problem especially from middle class, high middle class are suffering much because of social issues and lots of Restrictions.

what are you?
A Mother,  before that a Wife, Before that a daughter, before that a Woman. For what you are a method of procreation....but for not to get marry and appreciate your hubby or be a hubby liker(changing or self making as per hubbies taste).

Even if God wanted us to have sex just for reproduction, he could have made us like many animals that just go into heat once or twice a year for a short period.....but He has left some things for us to discover by us looking at our own biology.

For instance, God could have gave us the same feeling in our genitals, as we have in our fingers, thousands more nerve endings in these that are especially sensitive to touch can generate great pleasure by touch.  if God created us for procreation, there would be no need for these extra nerve endings.

so our love is from duty and commitment, not from emotion. many of the hubbies are not connecting their wives on an emotional level. Man and Woman want to be emotionally connected. Guys want to search for the ways to connect her emotionally.

So when we come to the point, Humans  Basic instincts are Food and Sex. we get food immediately after came from Mother's womb. They both Mother and Father care us much about our Food, They want to be at that stage.
But what about the second thing? we want to decide that after we came to young age? 

Anybody of you selected your partner?
If your answer is Yes, common Let's explore......
does he belongs to same caste?
did you see about his financial background?
did you enquire about his bad habits like cigars and drinks?
If all answers are Yes, most of You are not Happy.
You are in Luxurious life, not in a Happy life.

Researchers concluded that Women prefer unfamilier male partners, under certain circumstances. Women in their most fertile portion of their menstrual cycles found men from other ethnic backgrounds as more attractive. The authors speculate that this could be the desire of genetically diverse offspring.  (sources: ideapod) 

But Its just psychological impact of caste and financial community on every one. They are all mostly just excuses to continue that caste and financial community, but the problem is even parents don't know that they are excuses which are created by caste system itself.

some people impacted the Hindu society as marriage is a social responsibility, not a personal need, which is a completely wrong concept. Marriage is always limited to just 2 people, but not their families or communities.This is even more pronounced in case of marital alliances, which are about joining of two families in a combined social construct, rather than two people in love coming together, to spend their lives together.

Attitudes toward specific drinking behaviours correlated better with those behaviours than did more global attitudes. Alcohol has been a part of communal life for millennium, and has an important place in social, spiritual, and emotional experience. One may drink for multitude reasons like to relax after a hard day or to join friends in socializing.

So definitely hobbies like drink and smoke can't decide one's character. But our society largely  judges the bridegrooms based on these habits.

A woman wants 
a man to make her feel like a woman.
a man to notice when she spent time to look pretty.
A man to compliment her and compliment her often.
A man to appreciate her, not take her for granted.
A man who cares about pleasing her.
A man who want to get to know her specifically and don't just group her into all women.
A man who understands her stuff.
A man who communicates in his happy and sad moods.
A man who is proud of her and happy for her.

A woman get matured only when she got affection and appreciation from a man, with out opposite sex's approach, no indidual can get maturity.

As I seen in India, especially in Hindu religion many middle age and young age women didn't get matured till. They are very much perfect physically and mentally. But problem is in our society. Girl shouldn't speak to other boys. Actually as nature prepares, every human being want a communication towards opposite sex, which is not allowed by our society. Then how they will get matured. We are behaving opposite to nature.
With out maturity women live very casually by seing their temporary happiness in costly clothing I mean sarees, expensive jewellery, Authority, Rudeness, over eating, etc.
What's the most painful in this situation is they even don't know what they are missing for their lifelong.
Woman is a good daughter, great wife, effecient mother, experienced cook......... But where is the woman in that..... Missing her identity.......
I don't want to discuss gender authorities or something...
Their dull and dark lives have attained warmth of life.
Women are very simple, a perfectly edited sentence can also unlock her Heart.
woman want to hear that they are beautiful, it might sound shallow, but it helps women boost their confidence and feel more loved.
And no two women are exactly the same.
Most women want to hear your commitment to them because that creates security.  They need to hear reassurence only when the things feel insecure.
Woman love to hear that last night was incredible.
So woman want more more communication. Let's be honest,  communication between genders can be a minefield.
Women seek partnerships that encourage their growth, nurture their talents, and allow them to be their best selves.

Woman is happy when their partner treats her as an entirely different individual, not as their extension.

Then only woman get matured.

Monday 18 February 2019


Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Behaviour is the most important practise in human life. There is no meaning of worst behaviour and good behaviour. Basically behaviour depends upon the situations we faced.

Smooth situations make smooth behaviour whereas hard situations make rocky behaviour.
A person fight or robe for his food while he is too hungry even he is very sensitive. A sensitive girl changes to rocky to face the behaviour of her spouse and mother-in-law after her marriage.

Behaviour change is basically good step for maturity. We get matured while thinking of the changes in us and changes in situations.

Behaviours vary depends upon the status, place and people.

High class people generally away from the middle class and low class due to their behaviour, not due to difference of status. High class looks down towords low class for their cheap tricks only, not for their Down Trend.

Nobody can be matured and can't expect better behaviour in low surroundings and less literacy.
Basically behaviour towards one person depends upon the past behaviour of the other person.
If a person has a negative attitude towards some other person, he may not express it directly, rather he may not show any interest to join him in a party, or to share a common platform with that person.
Our attitudes determine our behaviour.

Monday 11 February 2019

Silence and waiting

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Silence and waiting is the most uncomfortable things which I always felt.

Silence creates most depressive way with an uncomfortable person whereas it communicates much with a matched wave length person.

Waiting created much irritated for a prolonged procedure, but it's a most beautiful and memorable thing when it's done for a lovable person.

Some personnels assume that they are incredible if somebody waits for them. Just leave them off.  A waitable moment never offer you a worthful person, A worthful person never allows you to wait.

Silence is sometimes beautiful and unsettling depends upon the situation. It is slippery, troubling and refuses to comfort anyone.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. ...We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Want to Infuse our life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. 

Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.

Monday 4 February 2019

Love Book

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Smile is the best preface to write in the first page of a Love Book.

Destiny is so great. It connects two strangers, made them well.... It even awakes the people from deep sleep when it wants to connect people.

Our Brains are very well made with more intellectual things, with very poor knowledge of emotions and feelings.

I seen a  different person and different beauty in the known person after the feel of love towards her like an evening at mountain  peak. It's very precious the winning of a kiss at love's beginning.
A situation of no taste,  talking of four lips, can hear the heart with out ears. Breath and drowsiness to achieve Trances...

Love is a thought which keeps the bond strong and true.  Love is the excitement of thoughts in her routine also given by you. I understood by drenching in her feelings,  She made for me only, but I found her very lately, she is the rarest among the rare persons.

My heart and soul breathes in her presence. Collecting some smothering feelings in many vibrations with a buzz in a indefinite bloody satisfaction.

In that snothering moment, which I live for me only, her touch for my skin remembering me from the ages. Got signification for my life for that affection from non bloody relation. No words for me when she touches my soul which is beneath the skin, spared much to nerves and bones by visitating my body. Heavy regrets became very light from that moment.

Don't want to think anything.... Want that eyes which peer into my eyes, want that hands which hold me around, want that lips which injure my lips, mainly wants that whispering flower tornado of her to my ears.

I want to be united in her, and don't want my single existence.
There is no risk more than a Love.

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