Sunday 28 August 2022

The Dark knows more secrets 😍

Every creature wants a companionship in the dark more than in the day, that's why The dark knows more secrets than the dawn.

Dark also loves to watch couples because of the boring night creatures sounds. The Dark wants and pleases the moarns apart from the Dark silence.

The Dark wants happy screams of that night continue upto sunrise.

Couples also enjoy dark or dim light more than sunlight.

 In a dim light, details become more vague. Flaws can be easily ignored, and virtues imagined. Not only does this perhaps help to see the partner as a bit more splendid than you might in a bright light, but more importantly it helps make you a bit less self conscious about your own flaws.

Second, a dim light suggests privacy, suggests that nobody is watching, suggests that the world is just you and your partner alone. Perhaps an artifact of a distant time when humans always lived in groups, and might want to wait until the others were asleep, or to enjoy each other before the others awoke.

Third, and this one is the most scientific of all, there is an interesting physiological effect. In dim light, the pupils dilate, which is to say the black dot in the center of your eye becomes very large, so as to capture more of the available light. In bright light, this dot contracts. Well, as it turns out, in unchanging moderate light conditions, people who are very interested in what they are looking at will also have enlarged dots, while people who are not will have relatively small ones. Part of our very complex innate system which allows us to read each other’s faces or moods includes this observation, so you subconsciously register the large dot as interest. People who are interested in you are interesting To you.

Fourth, and least important, we’ve been socialized to see dim light as a signal that romance is intended. A self fulfilling prophecy, if you will.

I think only the third really qualifies as scientific, but really all are psychological.

Sunday 21 August 2022

Relationship with you

The relationship you have with yourself is the most complicated because you can't walk away from you. You have to forgive every mistake. You have to deal with every flaw and insecurity. You have to find a way to love you even when you're disgusted with you.

Sometimes we try to walk away from ourselves only to become more disconnected from ourselves to then not know how to find ourselves again.

We all make mistakes. We trust the wrong people, we get into toxic relationships, we let people down, but you can change all of that. You can make amends and reset. You are not your last mistake, much more than that.

You are not your past…
You are not your mistakes…
You are not your failures…
You are not who you were yesterday…
You are not even who you were this morning…
You are who you decide to become!
Who you COMMIT to become.

You could be one decision away from a completely new life…

Swati Mutthina Male Haniye .....

'You are strong' is her usual morning word on rounds with patients who are close to death. In the morning, if the patien...