Thursday 8 February 2024

Night endears you

Night endears it indulges you. There is love in day time also, can discuss lovable moments in day time also. But Nights indulge you, excavates you....Your inner thoughts, deep inhibitions, fantasies in you which you also don't know. Dark in the night haskies your tone... The body want pamperings,. With that shivering lips 👄, you can reveal you who's with in you.

At nights we are more relational, reflective, needy and conversational.  The most intimate conversations takes place as the moon🌙 provokes you to intimacy. 

The Dark reminds you to search for a companion to share intimacy and intimate conversations.At night time we are our most sexual, and that is why a majority of the flirting happens at night especially over the phone.

 Be the last person for that day as you have intimate conversations and say a sweet goodnight; it will bring you two closer.

The one who is special in your life is the one you are giving your night time to.

At night time we are most conversational, and that is why pillow talks happen at night,  Many hold their phones at night looking for someone to chat with and finding their Dearones. 

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