Wednesday 18 March 2020


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Waiting is really frustrating me... Life is becoming a waiting... Waiting for the evenings weekends to meet you.... But I'm a small break for you as you are my priority.

Waiting for your message waiting for call waiting for your hug, frustrated with this waiting.

Waiting for you in my much awaited free time, doubting my priorities, testing my patience my self, arguments of arranging time really taking my energy.

I feel like I'm waiting for something that is not going to happen.

Waiting for studying, waiting for career, waiting for love, really worson me as my contemporaries are getting without waiting and trying.

Words so tired when I want to communicate really embracing me. 

Waiting is also sweet and when it happens both sides and not taken for granted.

I never imagined myself saying that about anyone. I had hoped I would. I wanted to be in love, but I really didn’t think there was any way I’d be so in love with someone who reciprocated all the same feelings.

I feel like I spent years just longing for someone to love me. It brought me to tears so often. I thought I was being patient and waiting on the right guy, but I wasn’t being patient or waiting at all.

I was complaining when I didn’t have someone, and when I did, it wasn’t healthy or the right timing.

Trying to find our “soulmate” is the object of the game, I really long for at the end of every day. Someone to cuddle with, someone to eat takeout with, and someone to just be with.

We get to a point where we will take what we can get. 

keep waiting When you think you can’t, just wait one more day. And then the next. And the next. Something great will happen. You’ll stop waiting and you’ll just start being.

I wish I would have taken this advice. I really wish I would have.

It finally hit me that I desperately needed to be alone to learn how to deal with myself before anyone else in the world would ever want to deal with me.

That doesn’t mean it’s ever easy to deal with me, and for a long time I thought that made me unlovable. I felt so hard to love.

And then someone fell in love with me when I wasn’t even looking. I was just being me. He was stealing glimpses while I was effortlessly being myself. I didn’t have to try. I was no longer hard to love at all.

I am certainly hard for him to deal with, but I know without a shadow of a doubt, loving me is his favorite thing to do and the easiest part of his day.

He came out of nowhere and I wasn’t looking for him at all. I had been single for almost and was so happy being alone. But God knew my heart was getting a little restless and was ready for someone to finally love me the way everyone deserves to be loved.

And when a man finally pursued me with the right intentions, things fell together.

At first, I absolutely did not want a boyfriend and thought he was very nice but wanted no part of being in a romantic relationship with him. I thought he was fun and we’d go on a few dates and that would be it. That wasn’t it at all. And the universe was laughing hysterically at my thought process.

He wasn’t who I thought I had been looking for. So I prayed for some guidance and basically was like, “Hey God if you want me to date this boy, you better show me why because I really thought I was supposed to be alone for a few more minutes or years.”

I have always been pretty close to the world about my love life. I’ve written about it, I haven't talked about it, and Ihaven't joked about it for years. My dating life has really reflected a romantic comedy and I think the universe was silently cheering for me to finally catch a good one.

I have had so many girls genuinely tell me how happy they are for me and tell me how much they wanted what I have with my boyfriend. Every time I talk about him or tell the story of how we met, girls are brought to tears.

That’s when I want to grab them and say, “Wait.”

A good man, the right man, is more than worth the wait. Girls, LISTEN – PLEASE do not settle for someone just because you are bored or lonely. That guy can’t ever make you the happiest you were made to be, and you can’t love him the right way either. If you don’t wait for the person made for you, you’ll end up with SOMEONE ELSE’S PERSON. That is no fun.

I get them every day. And it’s because I finally waited. I stopped searching and I let the magic happen.

Real love isn’t fancy dates and expensive gifts – it’s a feeling you’ll never be able to explain to a single person. And you’ll know when it’s real.

It is the greatest feeling in the entire world because it comes straight from the God who is love. It’s his number one greatest gift to us.

I love love. And I love seeing people in love. I want everyone to get to be in love with someone! I really do. So I am begging and pleading and crying out for you to wait patiently and then just hide and watch what happens. It might not happen next week or even next year, but it will most certainly happen at the perfect time.

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